in her absence page 4

The Doctor held up a black robe and sash.  Even against the black material, both could see ornate symbols and designs woven into the material.

Vastra reached out and touched it, marveling at how smooth it was. 

‘Once we’re dressed, we’ll make our way to the King’s hall.  There, the Priests will begin their opening Invocations for kichu-fuda.  Until tomorrow, no one must speak.  This is to show respect to the dead, to give his spirit a day of rest, and for the thoughts and love of his people to fully join with him one last time.  There will be a wake, which will last all night.  His family and closest advisors will remain with him to ensure his body remains pure, and fires will be lit to keep evil spirits away.’ 

Vastra laughed.  ‘Evil spirits!  Surely you jest!’

The Doctor’s face grew stony.’  Not one bit.  To these people, evil spirits are as real as, well…’ 

He thought for a moment. 

‘As real as the energy weapon you were going to use on me near your hibernation chamber.  They would see it and think it was magic, whereas for you, it’s something that you think of as common.  Does that make sense?’ 

Vastra nodded in understanding. 

The Doctor continued.

‘After the wake, the priests will complete their preparations for King Eisō’s last rites.  The younger priests will busy themselves erecting a funerary pyre, while the elders will read the texts that begin King Eisō’s journey to the afterlife.  The next day the funeral will occur.’

Vastra followed along, nodding. 

‘After Eisō’s body has been burned, his family and close kin will gather his ashes together.  It is customary that they are buried in more than one location, though the majority will be interred at the family’s burial plot.  There will be rites and rituals every day thereafter, and on the thirtieth day, each person who attended the rites will be given a gift to signify the end of mourning.’ 

Vastra’s eyes opened wide.  ‘Thirty days?’ 

The Doctor nodded. 

‘But…we can’t stay here thirty days!  My sisters…they will find them…they will all be killed!’ 

The Doctor grabbed Vastra’s shoulders firmly.  She fought against him, but he held firm, and finally she relented.  She looked up at him, her eyes drawn tight with anger.

‘Listen to me, Vastra.  I brought you here, didn’t I?  I brought you to the past of your own planet.  Don’t you think I can take you back as well?  I can have you back there mere moments after we left.  Your people WILL be safe.  I promise you that.  Do you believe me?’

Vastra looked away, refusing to make eye contact. 

‘Do you believe me, Vastra?’ 

She turned to look at him. 

‘Do you?’ 

‘I want to believe you, Doctor,’ she finally said. 

He smiled.  ‘Right now, that’s good enough for me.’

He motioned to the robes. 

‘Now, I’ll just head to my room and get changed.  You do the same.  We’ll meet back out here, and then off to the King’s hall.  We can’t keep them waiting, after all.’ 


written by 
copyright 2014 

artwork by 
copyright 2014

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